
10 Must-Try HIIT Workouts for Rapid Fat Loss in 2024

The journey towards the wholesome and healthy weight loss involves travelling along two important paths one is of balanced physical exercise while allied to low calorie meals. Simultaneously, the need to choose the most effective diet plans for weight loss and remain in a healthy state shouldn’t be undervalued. Such physical activity cannot be overemphasized as it will help you burn the calories that you take in.


Top 10 must- try HIIT workouts:

Here are 10 must-try HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts for rapid fat loss in 2024:

1)Tabata: 20 seconds of vigorous exercise, and then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for 4 minutes.


2)Burpees: Do a squat, push-up and jump as fast you can. A few seconds rest and then again.

3)Jump Rope: 30 seconds jumping and 30 seconds resting. Repeat for 5 minutes.

4)Lunges: 20 lunges, rest 3 seconds. Repeat for 3 sets.


5)Squats: 20 squats, then take a few seconds of rest. Repeat for 3 sets.

6)Plank: 30 seconds holding in a plank position. Rest for few seconds after that. Repeat for 5 minutes.

7)Mountain Climbers: One should begin plank position and be able to bring one knee towards your chest before switching rapidly the legs.


8)High-Intensity Running: 30 seconds racing speed, take a short rest. Repeat for 5 minutes.

9)Box Jumps: Step onto a box or bench and step down, then repeat the jump.


10)Plyometrics: 30 seconds of explosive moves, such as jump squats or skater jumps; rest for a few seconds. Repeat for 5 minutes.

How long should a hiit workout last?

20-30 minutes is generally considered the best amount of time that should be spent on a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout. The research has shown that a HIIT session including warm-up and cool down periods should last around 30 to 60 minutes. 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm up is highly recommended first, followed by 2030 minutes HIIT exercise and then proper cool down. The work intervals of HIIT can last from 15 seconds through to even up to two or three minutes with recovery being longer in duration It’s also suggested that the total amount of time spent having ones heart beat above ninety percent maximum be restricted between a cap ranging between anywhere about thirty minutes and forty mintes per week, whilst ensuring an equal balance on days where more demanding exercises are Therefore, in general terms two 30 to 45-minute HIIT workouts a week is seen as sufficient.

what are the benefits of hiit workouts for overall health Sources?

Overall health benefits of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) are many, and have been widely known. Here are some of the key benefits supported by research:

Calorie burning and fat loss: HIIT can increase both calorie and fat burning which sometimes increases resting energy expenditure to maintain calorie burning long after training.

Heart Health: HIIT can improve heart health because it improves exercise capacity, lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Oxygen intake can also improve the ability to cope with heart disease.

Blood sugar and insulin sensitivity: HIIT can help control blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, making it an acceptable form of exercise for people with diabetes or normally the situation.

Endurance and Strength: HIIT can improve endurance and strength levels overall by increasing endurance.

Blood sugar and insulin sensitivity: Since HIIT is also expected to increase blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, it can be a great workout for diabetics or people who are at high risk for the disease this incurable

Endurance and Strength: The results of HIIT are improved endurance, increased strength, and increased endurance that contribute to overall fitness while improving athletic performance.

Time management: HIIT delivers the same or better health and fitness results in a shorter amount of time than regular exercise – ideal for people with limited free time to spare.

Stress reduction and mental health: The fact that you need to be more focused when participating in HIIT workouts can also eliminate some of the daily stressors, and can be useful because it minimizes the consideration of these types of factors .

Bone health: While some studies have shown the ability of HIIT to strengthen bones, the topic needs to be studied further.


In conclusion, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) training regime has a number of health benefits among which include better cardiovascular fitnessness level as well as increased strength and power output , greater endurance skills attributes in addition to calorie shedding. However, one should also consider potential risks and downsides to it – the risk of injury will be increased; there would be cardiovascular strain as well overtraining is always possible along with burnout. Before initiating a HIIT program, it is necessary to discuss this fitness routine with experienced sports or health specialist and only follow your body signs; adjust the regime intensity based on how you feel. With such a range of health benefits alongside the reduced risks involved, incorporating HIIT workouts in your fitness regime can only benefit you.

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