Child Development Stages: Explained
Children gradually change in terms of physical, verbal, intellectual, and cognitive development until they reach adolescence. At certain ages, specific changes occur. By observing your child’s development milestones, you can determine whether or not they are developing at a healthy rate. Failure to meet these developmental milestones may suggest a developmental issue or a hereditary disease. Experts disagree on how to categorize infant growth into phases. Some have classified children’s development into four phases, five stages, and six stages. Although the number of phases varies, the changes that occur at a specific age or age range stay roughly the same. Kid development can be divided into five phases because most developmental abnormalities are recognized by the time a child enters adolescence.
Table of Contents
What are the 5 Stages of Child Development?
1. Infant
Babies respond to external stimuli naturally during their first two months of life. As newborns express their needs in various ways, they may move their heads side to side, see close-up objects, turn towards sounds, and cry. By the third month of life, babies begin to smile at people. Also, Read: Tips for Parenting the Strong Willed Child
2. A baby
By During the first year, a child has become able to identify familiar faces, talk, control their head motions, and put their hands together. The average infant begins sitting without support at six to six months of age, may bounce when held in a standing position, and responds to adults calling their name. The average infant begins communicating by gestures at around six months. Between the ages of 9 and 12 months, youngsters can point, pick up items, crawl, and even stand with assistance. Children are able to imitate sounds and motions.
3. Toddler
Children between the ages of 1-3 years old can stand alone, learn to walk without assistance, run, and climb stairs with little steps. Children can wave hello and goodbye, grasp a pencil or crayon, draw a circle, learn to utter numerous words and even short sentences, and even follow simple directions.
4. Preschool
As children grow, their motor skills develop. In addition to throwing and catching a ball, jumping and hopping, and dressing themselves, children can draw flowers. An entire, long sentence, or even two-three sentences, can easily be uttered at one time. At four years of age, children can use the toilet independently. Also, Read: Parenting Styles and Effective Parenting Tips
5. School-age Children
School-age refers to children aged 6 to 17. Children at this age become independent and develop their own opinions. Learning, speaking, and writing becomes second nature. Children experience a wide range of emotions, including jealousy, love, and many more, and can communicate them through words and gestures. During this period, they form friendships and usually become best buddies. The start of puberty is the time when children become interested in dating.
Understanding your Child’s Development and Growth
Growth and development encompasses not just the physical changes that occur from infancy through puberty, but also some of the emotional, personality, behavior, thinking, and speaking changes that children experience as they learn to comprehend and engage with the world around them. Developmental milestones are abilities such as taking the first step or smiling for the first time. Also, Read: 7 Tips On How To Be a Successful Parent
Milestones and Development Skills
Children progress in their play, learning, speaking, acting, and movement. All children develop at their own speed, but these developmental milestones offer you an indication of what to expect as your child matures.
The following developmental milestones can be classified:
- Language and Speech
- Dressing Techniques
- Visual-Motor and Fine Motor Skills
- Grooming Techniques
Growth Charts for Measuring Physical Child Development
Children develop at their own rate. All children are different in terms of their size and shape. Genetics, gender, nutrition, physical activity, health problems, environment, and hormones all play a part in a child’s height and weight, and many of these factors can vary greatly between families. Doctors take growth charts into account, as well as a child’s overall well-being, environment, and genetic heritage. Your child’s paediatrician may also take into account:
- Are the child’s other developmental milestones being met?
- Is there anything else that indicates a child’s health?
- What are the child’s parents’ and siblings’ heights and weights?
- Was the child born too soon?
- Is the child entering puberty earlier or later than usual?
- Is everyone’s child’s growth chart the same?
 As a result, boys and girls grow at varying rates and in distinct patterns. From birth to 36 months, one set of charts is used for newborns. Another set is utilized for children and teenagers aged 2 to 20. Particular growth charts can also be used for children with special needs, such as Down syndrome, or who were born prematurely.
What Could Indicate a Problem?
Keeping an eye on growth charts may assist you or your child’s doctor in detecting any potential growth difficulties. Some patterns to keep an eye out for are:
When a child’s weight or height percentile deviates from a previously established trend. For example, if a child’s height and weight were both in the 60th percentile until he or she was 5, and then the height dropped to the 30th percentile at age 6, this could indicate a growth problem because the child is not following his or her regular growth pattern. However, shifting percentiles does not automatically indicate a problem. Many children may exhibit fluctuations in growth percentiles at certain stages of development when it is typical for growth rates to differ considerably from child to child. This is especially common during childhood and puberty. If a child’s height progression deviates significantly from what his or her mid parental height computation predicts. If the body mass index is abnormally low or high (BMI 5% or greater than 85%).
Growth charts are a useful tool, but they do not provide an accurate picture of your child’s growth or general health. Consult your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s growth — or growth charts.