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As a parent, what assures you that your kid is performing well in their academics? Are they doing their homework daily? Are they attentive in class? If your child lacks good academic grades despite being good at both, what do you think is the reason behind it?
Take a look at what the possible reasons could be and how a parent can support their child to develop effective study skills to excel in their academics.
Follow the right study pattern
Being attentive at school or completing the homework on time alone will not promise good grades. A productive and effective study session is a mixture of various parameters. How far is the child able to comprehend the concept of a particular subject matter taught?
If the child has a clear idea about the topics taught, are they investing time to revise the lessons daily? Do they by heart the lessons for the sake of studying or are they enjoying the process of learning? Do they clarify their doubts with teachers or do they mug up the concept?
Are they able to concentrate on their studies when they are at home? How calm and study-friendly is the environment in which they sit to study and prepare? Evaluating the answers to these questions will give an overview as to whether your child is following the right study pattern.
1. Study planner
Time and stress management are two main crucial elementary disciplines a child should master. Failing to keep a check on the aforementioned factors could be one thing that hinders your child from enjoying studying.
One of the efficient ways for an effective study session is to incorporate the habit of crafting a study planner. Train your kids to prepare a weekly study planner as well as a daily ‘to-do list. Ask them to list out the due dates of projects, homework, assignments, and exams.
This will help your children to plan out their study sessions by breaking down the time separately for both study and homework. A study planner can reduce the probability of the tendency to procrastinate.
2. Study-friendly space
Do your children have a separate study table or a desk at home. If not, create an ideal study corner for your child right away. Let them organize and decor their study desk with essential study accessories. To not feel dry and dull while studying, buy them the necessary colorful highlighter, sketch pens, calligraphy brush pens, sticky notes, pens, pencils, aesthetic notebooks, and journals. Having a study table or a cozy study corner is one of the ideal ways for effective study sessions.
3. Productivity techniques
Being unproductive at study despite having spent hours at the desk reading the study materials is a commonly seen problem among a majority of students. Therefore, parents must encourage their children to incorporate productivity techniques in their study sessions.
There are plenty of productivity apps available these days. Moreover, one can use techniques like Pomodoro or ultradian rhythm to make their time more productive. These techniques include breaking up the hour spectrum into study time and break time. For instance, a student following the Pomodoro technique will study for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break to freshen up.
After completing 4 rounds of similar Pomodoro, the student can take a long break for about 20 to 25 minutes. This way, parents can help children to develop effective study skills.

4. Take lecture notes
While studying, train your children to note down the important points so that it becomes easier for them to revise the lessons later. Developing the habit of taking down lecture notes while in class is an efficient way to save time while studying.
In addition to this encourage your children to jot down the key points in a notebook, instead of a laptop or computer. The former has multiple advantages over the latter. Primarily it enhances information retention and sharpens memory. Secondly, it can improve a child’s handwriting. Making this a habit will help children develop effective study skills.
5. Avoid distractions
Chances are high that your children get easily distracted when in presence of various electronic gadgets in and around the proximity of their study space. More than anyone, the tendency to play games and watch series or movies is higher in children.
Once their attention gets diverted to these areas of interest, it’s difficult to retain their attention to focus on studies. Therefore, parents must ensure that their children start study sessions with no such external factors of distraction around them. This is one of the best ways for effective study time.
When elements like study habits, time, effort, hard work, smart work, and attitude are mixed in the right proportion, a parent will be able to help their child develop effective study skills.
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