Must Read Parenting Books in 2022

As you step down to parenthood, millions and millions of things change—our priorities, emotions, and lifestyle changes. The right way to guide a child from an infant to an adult can be confusing, especially if you are a newborn parent. All you need is perfect parenting guidelines. Explore various parenting techniques and styles from the must-read parenting books listed shortlisted below.
Table of Contents
Live Love Now
Helping kids deal with the challenges they face every day can be tedious. Live love now, a masterpiece by the New York Times best-selling author Rachel Macy Stafford takes you through the lesson all parents would need to re-establish a deep bond with their children. Whether you are a newborn parent or have been a parent for years now, this book is a must-read for all parents across the globe. This book takes you through the author’s personal life experience, Rachel, the mom of a teen and a pre-teen. She highlights the strategies all parents should practice to equip themselves with the skills to help their kids tackle the challenges they deal with daily, academic pressure, isolation, lack of purpose, stress, anxiety, parental expectations, and much more. Also, Read: Tips for Parenting the Strong Willed Child
Middle School Makeover
Middle School Makeover! As the name conveys, this book guides all parents whose kids are around 10-14. Yes, this is the time they step into their teen years. 10 to 13 years is considered early adolescence, followed by middle adolescence and late adolescence. During middle adolescence, your kids face a lot of changes, namely physical, emotional, intellectual, and societal development. This transition from childhood to adolescence is marked by dilemmas, decision-making processes, and peer pressure issues. In a nutshell, this is the period when kids need the help of their parents to guide them through the right path. Middle School Makeover, written by Michelle Icard, is an extensive must-read guide that talks about the issues faced by middle-school children, from social media to dating, and also covers the tips to develop a positive relationship with your kids during the time.
The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children
The Conscious Parent, a book written by Dr. Shefali Tsabary, persuades readers to reflect on their past. Parents’ influence on the lives of kids is immense. You all know why. From the very moment a child is born, they are taken care of and looked after by their parents. So the physiological and emotional stability of the parents will affect their children as well. It helps the parents look back on their emotional well-being and prepares them to choose an effective parenting style to pass positive wholeness to their children. Also, Read: Parenting Styles and Effective Parenting Tips
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
The book ‘How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk’ is a must-read by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. It includes practical tips and strategies all parents can follow to improve the cooperation between kids and parents and nurture their relationship. Kids can be hard to deal with, and they might get on your nerves despite guiding them tirelessly. If you have been struggling to hold a smooth conversation with your kids on a day-to-day basis, try reading this simple book that encloses the tips to make your journey easy.
Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too
If you are a parent of more than one child, this book is a must-read. Fights between siblings are not unusual. It is only ordinary to fight with one another, be it any silly reason. But unhealthy fights and battles can be dangerous too. Resolving it can be even more tiring. Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish have come up with brilliant ideas and real-life examples in this book to resolve and handle fights between siblings in a family. Reading this book will help you sharpen your parenting style. Also, suggest this one as a must-read to all your friends, especially those bothered by the competitive battles between siblings.
Parenthood is one of the best stages in life. You are welcoming a newborn to your family tree and are becoming a newborn parent. All parents would have wished and promised themselves to be the best parents to their children in this world. But, the journey is a roller coaster ride. But it can be easy, exciting, and joyful with a spoonful of proper guidelines. If you all wish to become better parents, skim through the above-listed must-read parenting books in 2022.