Top Ten Ways for Keeping Your kid On Track for High School Success

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Parents can play a vital role in their children’s academic success by staying informed, assisting, and providing guidance. The parent’s involvement is vital to the academic success of teenagers, despite their desire to be independent. You can easily cultivate your child’s potential, and success may be achieved through easy everyday attitudes and models. Your child’s learning attitude can have a direct impact on his or her performance each day. It is possible to cultivate nature. You either have these features naturally or can quickly acquire them by adjusting your awareness.
Here are ten ways for keeping your kid on track for high school success.
1. Assure your child that failing is part of the path to success
In order to become competent at any skill, one must undergo a period of incompetence. It is important to be poor at something before you can become good at it. The ideal strategy to improve your child’s learning and develop their success in any field is to encourage them to fail more often. For this to happen, children need two crucial characteristics: a low fear of failure and the fortitude to persevere after they fail the first few times.
2. Help your child learn by making it fun
When learning is viewed as a chore, it becomes a hundred times more difficult. Many of us had a mental block about numbers in school, and a lot of it was because we convinced ourselves that we didn’t like math. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that when you are in a good mood, you are smarter, more engaged, more creative, and more capable of persevering through a difficult task. Therefore, if you can make a child enjoy learning, the rest should be easy. The key is to start with a mindset that is pre-programmed for success.
3. Make sure your child is prepared to learn by sending them to school
A healthy breakfast fills teenagers up and prepares them for the day. Teenagers who eat breakfast have more energy and do better in school. Breakfast meals high in whole grains, fibre, and protein that are low in added sugar can aid your teen’s attention span, concentration, and memory. Send fresh fruit, almonds, yoghurt, or a peanut butter and banana sandwich if your teen is running late some mornings. Before the first bell, many schools provide wholesome breakfast alternatives.
4. Allow your child to pursue their interests
It is not necessary – or even conceivable – to be good at everything in today’s world of hyper specialisation. It is more vital to succeed in a few things. As parents, we have a natural propensity to worry about the things our children are less excellent at and let them get on with the things they enjoy. If English is their passion, don’t be hesitant to support and exaggerate its beneficial impact.
5. Make academic courses seem interesting to your child
It is sometimes difficult for a child to focus on a subject and make it their own since they are unable to see how it is relevant to their lives or how it will benefit them in the future. Their minds are imprinted with specific topics as something they must accomplish in order to keep their grownups happy. Engage your child in map reading when travelling, and teach them to translate words on your iPad. Would you be interested in making your own modelling clay or slime? In reality, this is how science works. Tell them it’s because of chemistry.
6. Instead of punishing kids, use consequences to motivate them
It’s something we’ve all done. To inspire our youngsters, we used the threat of taking away something he or they enjoyed. There will be no iPad after dinner if you don’t start doing your homework in the next 10 minutes. The issue is that this does not reflect adult life. As an adult, life is determined by a cause-and-effect relationship, and if a child learns that the results are controlled by their actions, you may instil in them a strong feeling of motivation that they can carry with them throughout their education and beyond.
7. Increase your child’s processing depth
Help your child reorganise the information in the notes so that they can process and understand them. The depth of processing method is one of the most effective strategies for ensuring that you retain information. Process depth is often recognised as a critical component of good revision, which also includes that people who leave longer gaps between practise efforts perform better.
8. Provide your youngster with strategies for switching off and relaxing.
One of the most significant hurdles to academic performance is a lack of focus and concentration. Teaching your child to shut down can be quite beneficial in boosting their capacity to turn on at the appropriate moment. Active relaxation, simple breathing techniques, and even simple meditation can all have a significant impact on one’s ability to learn. Switching off in front of the television may feel soothing to your youngster, but it is far better to learn how to rest your mind on your own. Establishing pro-active relaxation techniques aids in stress management and increases learning.
9. Allow your child to access the internetÂ
Learning to memorize and regurgitate information and figures has always been central to academic success. Almost any inquiry can be answered with the click of a mouse in our hyper-connected modern world. The ability to conduct research and find answers to problems is as important today as it has always been. The internet can be a valuable resource for acquiring this important skill.
10. Ensure that children of all ages can play together
Children spend a lot of time at school with their peers since they are taught in year groups and frequently socialise with other children from their shared key stage groups during playtime. Outside of school, our extended families often live far apart, so social time with cousins of different ages might be limited too. However, if we let children of different ages play together, we can gain a lot. The older child gains leadership and caring abilities, while the younger child has a role model to follow and is able to receive additional care and support.
The most important message is that you, as a parent or guardian, want your child to thrive and receive the greatest education possible. You have a vital role in making that happen, as do your child, their teachers, and their school. Know where your child goes and what they do every day, and then chat with them about it and lead them. They require your direction and will reply if you show an interest.
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